Lion Retail Consulting (LRC) is a retail property advisory that specialises in representing shopping centre landlords and facilitating all their retail leasing needs.
By conducting thorough market research and analysing the existing retail mix, we develop viable leasing strategies that take into consideration market gaps and the potential for new, exciting additions to the asset. At LRC we specialize in unlocking value-add opportunities that may otherwise go unrecognised by retail landlords.
Our hands on approach, commitment to excellence and extensive industry knowledge allows LRC to connect landlords with reputable retailers, who align with their leasing objectives and contribute to the overall success of the shopping centre asset.
Starting in tenant advocacy and representation, director Arsallan handled leasing requirements for national and international retailers across different sectors.
Transitioning into agency leasing Arsallan worked with institutional and private landlords on project leasing, portfolio leasing and asset repositioning. After which he moved in house to an ASX listed REIT, leasing a portfolio of 14 shopping centres.
Recently, as General Manager of Sharetea Australia, Arsallan managed diverse teams and departments, which has provided him an invaluable understanding of the internal mechanics and drivers of retailers.
Arsallan's extensive knowledge equips him with a deep understanding of industry dynamics, market trends, and challenges faced by retail shopping centre landlords. This means LRC excels in identifying untapped potential in retail assets and employs strong negotiation skills with strategic thinking to develop and execute leasing strategies that maximise landlord returns and attract high-quality tenants.
Arsallan Mangal